A few of us set out to hang around in Copenhagen under the thin veil of doing field work for our various research projects. Instead of taking the train (which is fast, frequent and convenient - but fairly expensive) we opted to take the bus, which turned out to be a huge mistake (more on this later).
Crossing the bridge in the sunshine is nice. You appreciate how massive it is and understand why it took 10 years and billions of crowns to complete. Although the trip was scenic, it takes a hell of a lot longer than the train.
The boat tour around the canal was cool. The royal family celebrated the naming (christening?) of the new born children with an extravagant show along the harbor. We just happened to be in the right place at the right time to see the royal family sail around the water and salute the sailors. Kind of worth it.
Multi modal bro |
After snapping a few pictures, eating a good meal, and running to catch the bus - we were headed back to Sweden. Upon reaching the boarder, two customs agents boarded the bus. I've heard rumors that customs agents will randomly search buses bound for Sweden. This rarely (if ever) happens on the trains. After several idle minutes, the bus pulled into a building. We were asked to ger off the bus and go through a screening similar to airport security. Also they had a drug dog sniff you.
Having said this, I can now safely say that I have completed the life long goal of getting strip searched by a boarder agent.
During my dog screening the fucking mutt gives my pocket a casual sniff and proceeds to take little interest in me. But apparently this was enough to raise suspicion. After being taken into a room, I was asked to take all my clothes off. This was absolutely hilarious to me. The only fucking 26 year old on the planet that still thinks being Straight Edge is cool was being strip searched on suspected possession of illegal drugs. After lifting my ball sack and spreading my ass cheeks I was given the thumbs up (figuratively). I put my clothes on, collected my dignity, got back on the bus and went home.
Fucking Sweden.