To be my friend you must be highly opinionated about music. My
brother just wrote an exemplary blog post about songs that have influenced his life - for better or worse. It was very revealing and heartfelt. I was amazed at how personal music can become. I owe it to him to write my own list.
1.) Green Day - "Burnout"
Dookie was the first tape I remember buying when I was 12. As a child I always was drawn to the idea of "counter-culture". Seeing the band members with dyed green hair spoke to my inner rebel and started my love affair with music. Despite the fact that I never listened to another Greed Day album, this one probably still ranks in the top 50.
2.) Marilyn Manson - "Sweet Dreams"
Although I am embarrassed to admit to liking Marilyn Manson, I still respect him as a performer. He was about attitude rather than music and I loved that as an awkward 13 year old. I think my parents were proud that I listened to Marilyn Manson rather than watered down christian rock (which is what my friends listened to at the time).
3.) Anti-Flag - "New Kind of Army"
Once I hit high school my taste in punk became more refined and turned slightly political. The attacks on the Wold Trade Center had happened and the Patriot Act was passed. I was left questioning the unwavering blind patriotism that was sweeping the country. This band opened my eyes to dissent. Also, the album cover gave me inspiration to shave my head into the best mohawk ever. Mom was angry.
4.) Dead Kennedys - "Police Truck"
This is my homage to a band that existed before I was born. As a general rule I don't listen to music that was written before my time but if you like punk, you have to pay respect. I found this album at the only record shop in Cortez. Amazingly enough, it was still in business the last time I passed through.
5.) Punk-O-Rama -
Possibly one of the best punk compilations ever made. I'm sure that someone will disagree, but for me, this album had it all - fast drums, catchy guitars - love songs. A great album, start to finish. This was the last year Epitaph Records was worth a shit. I remember smoking weed with Marco during lunch and listening to it on repeat.
6.) Hot Water Music -
No Division
This album reinvented the wheel for me. My brother had come home from college for the weekend and played this album for me. At first, I didn't understand it. Songs didn't follow the verse/chorus - verse/chorus structure that I was familiar with. After a few spins it defined my life for several years. I remember driving home late at night from my crappy job selling popcorn at a movie theater and listening to this album with the windows down, even in cold weather.
7.) Dismember - "Dreaming in Red"
Although I had passively listened to a variety of metal due my brother's influence, this was the first song that honestly caught my attention. It had melody, aggression and was incredibly catchy. Too bad I've never heard another Dismember song I liked.
8.) Strung Out -
An American Paradox
I first saw Strung Out when they were touring for this album. It was the first real show I had been to after moving away to college. It was also the first real mosh pit I had ever experienced. I remember lying to Jason and telling him I knew "of" Strung Out. In all honesty, I had no clue. They are a great blend of catchy punk melody with very technical guitar riffs.
9.) Tool -
For a few months, I listened to nothing except this album. After seeing these guys live with English Tom and his roommate (also named Tom, but a complete dip-shit) I couldn't get enough. Once I quit doing drugs I no longer had the patience for this band, but I can still appreciate their talent.
10.) Iron Maiden - "Run to the Hills"
My first taste of cheesy, epic, guitar heavy, over the top vocal awesomeness. I used to try and play along with the drums. I feel like despite the fact that these guys are now 50 something, several of my younger friends have a strange affinity for them. It is a guilty pleasure that I don't feel guilty about.
11.) American Nightmare -
Background Music
I hated my first semester of college and seriously considered dropping out until I met Clint. I remember him standing outside the dorms looking like he was about to mug me when he commented on a shirt I was wearing. We became friends and he introduced me to American Nightmare, a band with the saddest lyrics I've ever heard, sung in the most hostile way imaginable. When Clint screams he reminds me of American Nightmare. This album convinced me to stay in school. Hardcore died when this band broke up.
12.) Minus the Bear -
Highly Refined Pirates
My first serious girlfriend introduced me to this band. She told me that she would listen to this album with her ex-boyfriend while sniffing pills. She was a charity case. After she broke my heart I continued to listen to this album whenever I felt sad and lonely.
13.) Champion - "Promises Kept"
Once I decided to become straight edge, this band gave me the strength and aggression I needed to truly commit. Also it is one of the only tough-guy bands that I can stomach. Xed up fists and sing-alongs or GTFO!
14.) Shai Hulud - "Scornful of the Motives and Virtues of Others"
It took me a few years to like Shai Hulud. I didn't have the patience to listen to them. But when I reached a particularly unhappy and frustrating point in my life, this song played in my head constantly. Some of the most thought provoking lyrics ever written as well as the inspiration for the name of Matt's band came from this song. Shai Hulud might be the musical definition of cynic, but anyone who likes this band is a friend of mine.
15.) City and Colour -
Bring Me Your Love
Despite being considered "emo", Dallas Green has one of the best voices I have ever heard. His songs are simple enough to be widely appealing, but uniquely interesting. Strangely enough, people with entirely different musical tastes can agree on this album. Dax and I for instance. I think this album also prolonged my second serious relationship by a few months.
16.) A Wilhelm Scream -
Mute Print
I discovered this band during a particularly depressing winter. My brother and I were living in a shitty basement apartment. We were both working jobs we disliked and I was stuck in a stagnant relationship. We saw A Wilhelm Scream open up for Strung Out and they blew us away. Their "fuck off" attitude was exactly what I needed balls up and move on with my life.
17.) Miles Away -
Rewind Repeat
I love this band because no pretentious hardcore douche knows of them. I would crank up "Brainwashed" and shout along while on the way to the gym.
18.) Strike Anywhere -
Exit English
This band personifies my feelings toward politics exactly. Especially in the era of
hope and change. Rather than operating in a broken system, it represents an outright refusal to participate. Not out of apathy, but out of reason. Different faces, same system - its true. Fuck you.
19.) Al Green -"Lets Stay Together"
Last year I spent Christmas with my girlfriend's family. After the festivities died down, my girlfriend's mother said, "turn off this christmas shit and lets put on something classy." Having never really been a fan of "classy" music, this song held a certain significance that I could never put my finger on. It is sexy and elegant and slow enough that even I can dance (poorly) to it.
20.) Chuck Ragan - "The Boat"
Perhaps I am growing up and am not as impressed with blazing solos as I used to be, but this is the first acoustic album that ever meant anything to me. His vocals carry a certain weight that makes you want to pick up a hammer and build yourself a house.
21.) Jónsi - "Sticks and Stones"
This song represents one of the best and worst summers of my life. It is incredible how fast time passes.
22.) The Flatliners - "Flithy Habits"
The Flatliners make me want to be in a band again. Their music is dirty, loud and unpretentious. It fits my personality well. Sometimes, before I go to bed, I play air guitar to this song in my underwear.
23.) Crime in Stereo - "Sudan"
This is the song that inspired me to quit my job, sell a bunch of my crap, fuck up my relationship and move across the world. It represents the complete disillusionment I had with the way my adult life was unfolding. I don't want a wife and kids with a house in the suburbs, working a job I hate. Fuck that. I hope anyone that reads this has the courage to stand up for themselves and say "I want something
more than this."
24.) This Will Destroy You - "Quite"
When I packed my bags and moved my things, I had several regrets. But the decision to actually move was never one of them. Late at night I would lay on Christian's spare cot and listen to this song to help me fall asleep.
25.) Russian Circles - "Versus"
If there was ever a "song" a girl and I shared, this would be it. I still listen to this song almost every day, and it still reminds me of you. It is romantic and heartbreaking at the same time.
Sorry for the lack of pictures on this one. |