The city is quiet when it snows.
I've been listening to HWM's Caution for a week straight. I bought that album my freshman year of college (with Tom if I remember correctly). I forgot how much I like it. I think my parents even have a copy of it floating around their house so I can listen to it when I come home for visits. I don't see them nearly enough.
I still eat ham sandwiches for lunch |
Sweden is an expensive country. Especially when you buy quality clothing. But it is the little things in life that make you happy. Yesterday I bought a pair of wool long johns so my junk will no longer freeze to my saddle on those long and cold rides home. So far it has been one of the best purchases since the How Water Music album mentioned above.
I'm doing my best not to turn this into a conceded "bike blog". |
Yesterday I rode to the Kallbadhus (cold bath house). Despite my preconceived notions, it is not where gay men find dates. At least not on a Thursday morning. I was the youngest person there by 25 years at least. Yes, I sat in a sauna that was 85ºC. Yes I jumped - naked- in the mercilessly cold sea. Yes, I will go again next week. Very European.
Mega shrinkage. I was listening to Caution the other day too. Bringin' back the old school.