Sunday, September 19, 2010


Joel and Josefine's birthday party was held this weekend.  They were nice enough to invite me, despite the special arrangements that are generally required for a foreigner .  It was held at an old scouts cabin just outside of Ängelholm.  I am still enamored with nature here.  The last time I visited Joel, I described it by saying it smelled like North.  I still stand by that.  

The place held at least 30 people.  There was  a dress code. Tacos (!) were served and I had my fill of Fanta.  

Swedish birthdays entail lots of storytelling, speeches, singing, games, jokes and more storytelling.   I was surprised at   how personal such a large party could become.  Although I didn't understand the majority of what was said, it was nice to be included.  Even if I was a token character to some.  Joel is quite a talented musician as well as a great language coach.   

I've never seen that much Danish Gold in one place.  As a matter of fact, I had never seen Danish Gold before.  Anywhere.  I'm sure it is a feat that will never be repeated in my lifetime.

The morning after we slept upstairs in the scout bunk beds.  I'm sure Josefine feels much worse than she looks here.  Yes, that is a compliment.

This is Max.  He lives a paradoxical lifestyle by being born in Denmark and moving to Sweden when he was 4.  He was introduced to me as a Dane within the first sentence.  When he goes to Helsingør he is considered Swedish.  No rest.  Max is charmingly witty.  One of the best conversations I've had so far was with him.  I hope to see him again. 

Now it is raining incredibly hard in Malmö.  Also, today is election day in Sweden.  I couldn't name the political parties here.  Christian would be very disappointed in me if he knew that.

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