Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The calming collective

I ride by this damn tree at least twice a day.  For about a week I've told myself I would take a picture of it because it is one of the few things that  has color in this gray city.  Today I took a picture of all the leaves on the ground.

I booked my tickets to the UK for christmas.  It will be nice to be there again, if only for a week.  I've missed being called a yank.  I will be spending the holiday with Tom and his family.  I've known Tom for 8 (!) years now. I will be friends with Tom my whole life, despite only seeing him occasionally.  He speaks the queens English.

The ride is getting character.  By "character" I mean "rusted and thrashed".  Even the u-lock is showing its age.  We'll see how the slicks handle the ice.

Some jerk stole the lights off my bike while I had coffee with Kathi.  She lives in the hood apparently.  Also, she thinks it is funny when I refer to distances in "blocks".  She thinks it sounds very ebonic.   Luckily the Malmö police were too busy looking for the serial immigrant-assisian (google it) to give me a ticket for riding around without proper safety precautions.



  1. How is "blocks" considered ebonics? What do foreigners call it?

  2. Ebonics as in "stay off my block foo'". A stretch, I know. Everything is measured in meters, which still means very little to me.
