Sunday, April 10, 2011

My breath is a hammer

On my way out
Reduced to foot traffic due to and unfortunate incident involving a certain bottom bracket in a rusted machine that kills zombies, I slowly made my way to the city library (Stadsbibliotek) for some thesis writing.  
Spring is in the air today.  Not that it is particularly warm by my usual standards, but the sun was shinning and people were in the streets.  I even broke a surprisingly welcome sweat through my thin hoodie.

I occasionally lurk this dude's bike blog from Minneapolis.  A common theme tends to be the anticipation of the turning of the seasons.  After being in Sweden for a long winter, I can appreciate his stance on it.  Even though I consider myself quite the atheist, this dude wrote some quasi-religious bullshit that stuck with me:
"If you truly want to know heaven, you've got to first know hell." 
Maybe a little over the top, but you get the point. 

The countdown has truly begun.  I have a little more than two months left in Sweden, and a full summer of travels ahead of me.  It is very exciting and somewhat daunting at the same time.  But it makes me feel alive.  It is exactly what I was looking for when the existential crisis hit me around my 25 birthday.   
I look forward to seeing everyone, everywhere, eventually (alliteration!)   


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