Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Simple songs get caught in our heads

And so I continue to: wear holes in my jeans, cut my hair short, taste the salt in the air, forget my own phone number, drink too much caffeine, watch cartoons, wear my t shirts twice, get depressed when reading current events, survive off oatmeal and protein powder, bite my nails, forget to wash my sheets, get nervous when I speak Swedish, quote lyrics under my breath, secretly wish for a zombies apocalypse, stress about deadlines, cover my stink with perfume, reassess goals, sleep with my window open, crack my knuckles, flex in the mirror with no one is looking, pine for spring, strain my eyes, curse the birds outside my window, fight against the wind, think about old friends, sink further into my mattress, stay up late and wonder why I am tired in the morning.

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