Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Your time is up

While on a walk this evening with David, my new room mate, he asked me if I intended to keep in contact with the people I have met in Sweden.  As he said, "your time here must seem so temporary."  Initially my first response was, "of course I will keep in touch".  I couldn't tell if that was the response that I felt obligated to give or if it was actually how I felt.  Yeah sure, there are some rad dudes and ladies I've met in the past several months.  And June will be bittersweet.  But after the train wreck that hit my apartment last night, I am less inclined to feel much of an attachment.  Regardless, facebook and couchsurfing will always be there to soften the blow of letting go.  And this inevitability is somewhat of a relief.
1000 years at the bottom of the ocean

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