Sunday, October 3, 2010

Final Destination

Public transportation is the great equalizer.  Business men next to single mothers next to me.  The Malmö city buses are powered by compressed bio-gas, which is pretty innovative.

Since I've gotten a bike I ride the bus as little as possible.  Public transportation still creeps me out.
Riding a bike in Malmö is really nice.  Cars give you the right of way on most occasions and people watch out for you.  There are tons of bike lanes and the city is well connected.  I have felt pretty safe on the road up until today.
While riding to Katharina's place in Slussen I almost pulled a final destination.  The wind blows really hard in Malmö and side winds can throw you off balance unexpectedly. While trying to pass a bus I was blown directly into the side of it.  After managing to shoulder the bus for about 50 feet I rode it out and pulled behind it.  Crazy.  

After meeting Kathi I parked my bike and rode the bus (the same one) to Ikea.
Ikea is like Wal-Mart's younger, charming, stylish little brother that has several friends and parents that aren't ashamed of it.  Seriously, Ikea is alright.  You can buy some cheap Swedish crap and then have a nice coffee and cake in their cafeteria afterwords.  The fact that I sat down and ate Ikea food should tell you something.  I don't think I, or anyone I know, would willing spend time in a Wal-Mart cafeteria (if such a thing existed).

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