Saturday, October 23, 2010


It is getting dark.  I have been rained on several times this week.  Sometimes I get cold.  The North Atlantic Oscillation should be positive this winter.  I think it means warmer than average temperatures.   My bike is getting rusted from being left out in the rain and I don't care.  If it makes it a year, I will be excited.  Actually if it ever got stol(d)en, I would be more upset losing the U-lock.  The lock has been to as many continents as I have.  Roland will inherit the bike once I leave.  Not the lock though.  
I spent some time in the library today, which is a really nice building.  It is small by most university standards, but it has some very nice views of västra hamnen.  Aside from the occasional meandering Bangladeshi, it is great to turn off your brain.  I rarely get any studying done there.  Ikea furnished it.
Bree taught me how to fold origami. She lived in Japan for a while.  I'm not sure if that is where she learned.  

 I'm going to see Dark Tranquility on Monday.  Watain is playing Friday.  I have yet to meet a Swede that gives a shit about metal.  There was a big, scary viking looking dude in the grocery store that had a guitar case strapped to his back.  I struck up a conversation with him (not an easy thing to do with a swede) and asked him what style he played.  When he said "jack johnson" I died on the inside.  

1 comment:

  1. Jack Johnson? That guy needs to turn in his man card. That's awesome you get to see Dark Tranquility and Watian in the same week. We saw Rise Against play at Kansas City Kitty last night. Totally kicked ass - wish you would've got to see it.
