Saturday, January 29, 2011

At your funeral I will sing the requiem

While speaking to an ex-pat a few nights ago, I mentioned my distaste for winter.  Funny considering the destination that I willingly moved to.  But he assured me that despite the total depressing darkness and cold during the winter months, spring and summer more than made up for it.  Considering this, I might have to break my agreement with the government and stay several weeks longer than I am permitted to.

winter sunbathing
The sun came out a few days ago and I observed a pretty funny phenomena occurring in several places around the city.  Much like a lizard desperately attempting to soak in the fleeting rays of afternoon sunlight, so too did the locals.  Vitamin D depravation be damned.   

 Raised bridge - A rare occurrence 
 When the ship building industry went belly up in Sweden around the early 90's the city of Malmö had to invest in something else.  Anything else.  At the time building a university must have seemed like a horrible idea. Once the schnapps wore off, of course.  Especially since Lund, one of the biggest universities in Sweden, was located only a few kilometers away.  But Malmö Högskola was established anyway and, from what I can tell, it sparked new life in a dying city.  For all the shit we talk about "Crime City", its pretty nice. So, rather than following the Detroit model, Malmö realized that it is not always the best idea to go down with a sinking ship.

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